Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Dinner

We had Rose, Blash & Kayla over for dinner for Sunday dinner. After dinner we went to the park where we played on the playground and shot each other with James's marshmallow shooters :)  It was a fun (and pleasantly warm) day!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Finally Finished Moving!

It took almost a full month to move the business to it's new location, but we did it! Or I should say Steve did it.  Working 18 hour days (sometimes through the night) we are FINALLY settled in. (Steve even put in a pool table, basketball hoop, and a fridge full of Shasta for James.) I am so grateful for such a hard-working husband who would do anything for his family. Love you babe!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cub Scouts

We did some fun things this month in Cub Scouts. We went on a field trip to Wild Wonders where the boys got to see lots of wild animals, and they even got to feed a raccoon!
And then later in the month the boys earner their nutrition belt loops. This was James's first belt loop so he was pretty excited about it ;)

Friday, March 14, 2014

Spa Date!

I went and got my toes painted with my good friend (and James's birth mom), Rose.  Spring is just around the corner so we decided that we'd better get ready for sandal season :)

Monday, March 10, 2014

It's Great to be 8!

James got baptized! We had a wonderful day with lots of family and friends there to support James, and Steve did such a wonderful job with both the baptism and confirmation. We invited everyone to our house afterwards for a little luncheon. It was a very special day. And the best part was that we finally got to introduce Rose and her family to both my family and Steve's family!  It was so awesome to finally bring all of us together, to give our families the opportunity to get to know each other, and to show off to everyone how our awesome birth mom Rose is! 
(James and his birth-sisters)
(Rose & her family)
(Rose & Kayla)