Sunday, May 29, 2016


Well, it's time for our annual trip up to Portage Utah to bring flowers and to clean the headstones of some of our loved ones.  We make to trip every year at this time because #1 we want to, and #2 because it's important to my mom and she is unable to do it because they're living in Colorado at the moment!  We enjoy doing it, and it's an absolutely beautiful place to spend an afternoon.  

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Thomas Graduates!

Thomas finished his high school education!  And even though he refused to walk or wear a cap & gown (the big stinker 😠) we did get to embarrass him a little bit, and have a family dinner with him to celebrate his big day.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

James's 2nd Piano Recital

James's 2nd piano recital!  Getting better by the minute.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Pit Bike

James got his first dirt bike!  It's a little pit bike that Steve was able to acquire with a little side deal on a camper.  It needs a little fixing, but it'll be a great learning bike for James.  He is so excited!