Sunday, January 22, 2017


Of course we had to get in some sledding fun!  We went to our usual spot at Traverse Mountain with Matt and his family.  Although the weather was AWFUL and we turned into popsicles, it was still fun.

Snow Fun

We started James on a snowboard this year!  We figure that might be something his friends might be into when he gets older, rather than skiing??? 


Saturday, January 21, 2017


Ghetto snowman 😂LOL

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

More Kitty

We decided to name this cat Drifter, because he just kind of wandered around until he decided to make our home his home...but we actually call him Meowzer so????  He's a cat so it doesn't really matter 😂LOL
He sees us pull in the driveway and comes running down the street to great cute 😸

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Jazz Game

We got tickets to a Jazz game for James for Christmas.  He's not a big Jazz fan, but they were playing against the Golden State Warriors and he is a big fan of them! 

James did get to meet an old Jazz player, Thurl Bailey, through the Junior Jazz basketball league.  He thought that was pretty neat.