Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Cabin

We got to go up to Uncle Tom's cabin for some quality snowmobile time ;)  What a blast!

The boys had a blast. They crashed a few times but they got right back on.  In fact, I think they actually enjoyed crashing and may even have done it on purpose a couple of times ;)
We also got to do a little sledding while we we up there.  We sled down the hill and the snowmobiles would take us back up to the top.  Much faster and easier that way.
And what better way to end a day of snowmobiling and sledding than going for a dip in the hot tub.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

James Pics

We got James's pictures taken for his baptism.  I think he's pretty dang handsome! Growing up too fast

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ice Skating

Once again it's time for our holiday family tradition, ice skating!  Every year we go with our Wickham family to an awesome outdoor skating rink downtown.  Skating outdoors makes it so much more fun (You wouldn't think so but it really does!)  We skate around the rink for awhile, and then we take a break and drink hot chocolate and eat doughnuts before heading back out on to the ice.  This year was even a bit warmer than usual which made the day even more pleasant.  Aside from the parking ticket Sara got, it was a perfect day!